Hi Vibe. From the mitochondria to the thoughts you think. My latest thoughts and discoveries to betterness.

There are so many amazing layers to humans, to life. I am fascinated by all aspects of health and wellbeing. Not only because it helps me on my mission to be the best Mother for my kids and the best version of myself, but because there are so many wonderful ways to work on improvement and enjoyment of life.

It’s becoming ever clearer to me how everything is connected and that by working on balancing and nurturing the different pockets of what makes us human, we can not just survive through life, but really thrive.

There’s this thing called vibration. The energy field that we run and ommit to others. When we are running on low we are operating on a low vibration. We may be tired, slow, unhappy, down on life, critical, judgmental. We might have illness, pain, complaints, issues, they are never quite hitting the mark.

On the opposite end of the vibrational scale, when running on high vibration, high energy we can light people up. We are alert, happy, bright, shining, infectious, influential. Attractive and attracting good things. Positivity, good energy, protected from the pain of others. Able and strong to conquer anything. High vibration.

I’ve spent such a long time looking for causation for my daughters mental struggles, chronic OCD, energy issues and more. When she was 7 she had a head injury slipping at the side of a swimming pool and banging the frontal lobe of her head. After this event, she began to express behavioral changes, but it wasn’t until some years later, when she had a life changing event with her best friend that instigated a deep trauma, and subsequently had another bang on the head falling off a climbing frame, that things got really bad. I had tried to pin point one or a few triggers that may have started the extreme fall from life, and looked into genetics, environment, food, spiritual health, energy health and all sorts. All of the areas we looked at made sense and lead to the bigger picture but this week I’ve been understanding things from a cellular level too! You could say I’m a bit obsessed.

The penny dropped for me when learning about the mitochondria, which in basic Mel explanation, is the energy part of our cells, responsible for powering many, if not all functions of the body. These little fellas can be turned on and off depending on all sorts of factors to keep us safe, they talk to other things in the body, like our nervous sytem and our brain. I learned that trauma, and by trauma, I mean chronic stress either environmental, emotional or physical including things like vaccination and infections, chemicals and wifi can all lead to the operation and health of the mitochondria, the energy source of the cells that make us humans. So, my girls head bangs, the extreme bullying, the fact that she is autistic and extremely sensitive to emotion, the food she eats, the beliefs she holds, the environment she was in, the young age of having a screen set off warnings to the very core of her body and started an activation of genetic mutation, which in turn hindered even further, her natural ability to function, both on a mental level, spiritual and physical level. Compounding stressors added to her illness and re lapses came after each additional stress. The vagus nerve which scientists are now proving actually has split functions, can go into a state of freeze and tells the mitochondria to close down. Add in mutated genes and its no wonder my girls ability to function became near on impossible.

Her symptoms were extreme OCD, bed ridden, inability to hold a conversation, inability to see a future and so on and so forth.

As we journeyed through, the very first thing that I innately knew as her mother was that she needed full, unconditional love. In order to achieve this, I had to go on my own spiritual journey of discovery and improvement, of which I will never stop learning. With her by my side, her illness showed me what I needed to learn and change. Strange as it may seem, the parallel to the darkest fear and illness we were consumed by, was the love and life force that kept us going.

I learned that this is happening for you not to you and my whole perspective on life changed.

After years wasted in the mainstream system, that taught me only that I must trust myself, we delved into bio medical and genetics and it is here that we continue sit and learn under the professional eye of an amazing bio medical naturopath. This field of health is moving so fast and completely over taking what our GPs can keep up with. We support my daughters functions with extremely delicate balance of supplementation. We saw the biggest improvements in health following this approach.

We moved house when she was well enough to be able to take the move. This was about 5 years after the initial breakdown. A change of water source, environmental factors such as the stuff that famers use, and all round easier place to live all helped big changes and improvements. I thought that choosing to emigrate and bring my kids up on a farm would be the idealic childhood, but perhaps we flew too far from our natural habitat, maybe our nest was too different?

I immersed myself and found profound healing in learning about the law of attraction, which teaches that we can heal ourselves from a cellular level by sending love to our cells and raising our vibration. Keeping high, happy, grateful, kind and loving. Are thoughts the chicken or the egg? It was within this teaching that I really began to take back my power and I discovered that I could manifest what I wanted into my life. I created my dream house, became self employed and doubled our financial income. The possibilities here are endless.

Discovering the healing properties of food was next on my radar and through eating well and cutting out the crap, colors and chemicals, we really cleaned things up. Food also has high and low vibration, so if we look at how clean, fresh and real the food we are using as our fuel is, it’s not hard to know what’s high and what’s low. A ribeye steak, grass finished and organic, super packed with essential nutrients is going to be high, a packaged cake laced with perseverative, sugar and harmful chemicals is gonna be low. A car run on crap petrol is gonna perform mediocre, a car run on premium is going to be awesome. Veges grown in depleted soil, modified and sprayed with chemicals are going to clog our cells with poison, low vibration. Veges that we grow organically and eat in the correct season at the correct time, are going to be a high vibration. Water free of toxins and metals, full of minerals is going to be high right? And coke, something they won’t even tell us the secret ingredients of, well, what do you think? Food effects how we feel, our moods, our bodily functions. It’s another essential ingredient that is way too often over looked. If something is out of whack, out of balance, there will be a knock on effect. Again, this line of inquiry for me and my family threw up the question what comes first, food to think well or think well to gain the maximum from your food?

It is now known that we can change our genetic expressions by the way we act, behave, believe, perceive. We are organic, ever changing, ever expanding souls. Stress is a factor that we have become used to hearing and accepting as part of every day life now in the modern world. Holidays and down time, or relaxing activities are seen more of treats or something we have to earn through hard work. I deserve this because I worked so hard for it. Such an inetersting belief isnt it. Stress is one of the biggest contributors to ill health that we have in this life and it is my belief that major work in this area needs to be done, so that beliefs and statements are changed. Bringing stress down should be a priority, and yet the mainstream news pump us with stress every single day, if we choose to buy into it and even if we are good at letting stress go, there are plenty of messages and and onslaught of information to press our stress buttons. We need more than ever to get back in touch with practices like yoga or working with the flow of nature, but we have bussied ourselves out of the game. Easier to reach for a pill than figure out how to get back into balance. Big pharmas will have you believe that you are powerless. But they don’t want you to know that you have the ability to heal yourself, to change your outcomes and to create your own individual, glorious life. In the area of stress I decided to use the method called EFT or tapping to help realign myself with calm and work out where my triggers were coming from. This easy to use and life changing self help tool is free, simple and can uncover the whys of why we are who we are and think what we think. We can raise our vibration from sad to happy in a matter of moments using this amazing tool.

Our kids need us to be the best we can. We need to stay high for our kids. Have you noticed that kids are naturally high vibration? They are closer to source, not yet suffering from traumas and passed down beliefs that screw with your mind and form personalities. So it is more important than anything to tidy ourselves up if we don’t want to lower the vibration of our beautiful, innocent, sensitive kids. Keeping their mitochondria happy and healthy ensures we hold illness and future problems at bay. We do this by working on ourselves and protecting them as much as we can from un needed stress. It is our duty.

In conclusion, and looking back to one of my very earliest posts about working holistically in all areas of the body, mind spirit and environment, the basics to keeping well are . Raising, or maintaining a high vibration is an art form, it’s a practice. It’s a way of life. Over time, with more learning, it becomes quicker and easier to climb back up out of the low points. We need the low vibration too of course, it’s how we learn, how we know what we do and don’t want. But when high, yes, really satisfyingly high, this is where we can feel our best. It really is a lot simpler than we think but I think I’ve had to get complicated to see the simplicity.

Think good thoughts, eat good food, keep good company, love everyone and everything, find your perfect place, get out into nature and connect, ground yourself, sleep yourself healthy, love yourself, believe you are worthy, don’t be afraid to be free, don’t be afraid to be different, don’t be afraid to feel fear, keeping shining and above all, keep raising your vibration. From your thoughts, to your tiny cells of energy, everything is connected and everything is important. Prioritize you. You have power, you got this.

Thanks for following me on my facebook page lovepda.

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